Our Approach

AW journey

2: Create Healthy Learning Environments

What Does the Culture Look and Feel Like Where People Thrive?

Trust Agreements

What do you need from others to do your best work?

Trust is the foundation of any relationship. When trust is broken, it is difficult to get anything done. We know that trust is present when we can be authentically ourselves, speak our truth, and engage in constructive conflict without harming the relationship. Awakening Wisdom helps you to identify areas where trust is missing. Then we guide you to build trust agreements that build bridges between individuals and groups.


How do you ensure that everyone feels connected?

In the busyness of the school day, we might forget that relationships are the fabric of our school. When everyone feels like they belong, they are excited to contribute their gifts and talents to the community. Awakening Wisdom helps you place belonging as a key intention for all community members, enabling your school to view conversations and interactions with others in a new light.


How does living the values of Responsibility, Respect, Resourcefulness, and Responsiveness create a thriving culture?

Values can often be just words hanging on a poster. When a community lives its values, they show up in every conversation, decision, and action. Awakening Wisdom has 4 values as the cornerstone of its praxis: responsibility, respect, resourcefulness, and responsiveness. Together, these values, when lived, create a vibrant healthy culture. Awakening Wisdom works with educators and students to adapt these values to fit your school, creating a culture where people thrive.

Celebrate the Individual

How can we value each community member?

When teachers and learners feel like valued members of the community, they are more fully engaged in the shared purpose of learning and growth. Every individual has a unique frame of reference, gifts, talents, and interests. Awakening Wisdom works with your school to identify ways to celebrate the individual, view differences as strengths of a diverse community, and adapt the learning environment to meet individual needs. When individuals are valued and empowered to be their authentic selves, collectively, they create a powerful community for learning.

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