Our offerings

For Teachers and Support Staff

At Awakening Wisdom, we understand every school and individual is unique in having different strengths and challenges. We offer a variety of SEL trainings that explore the very nature of school culture and, together, practice strategies to transform classrooms to be places where adults and students thrive. While we believe our Whole School Transformation Program is a great fit for most schools, individual Professional Development Workshops offer immediate support to teachers and other school staff because we know how impactful each adult is in the life of their students.


Foundations of Awakening Wisdom

The Awakening Wisdom Foundations series is a survey course, summarizing the breadth of our SEL approach. The comprehensive program is accomplished in 16 hours of training – across 3 full days during our summer offerings or spread out over 8 weeks, meeting for 2 hours on Saturdays throughout the school year. Some of the learning in Foundations include:

  • Creating a Desired Profile of the Student, where we ask: What kind of person creates a better world?
  • Creating and sustaining Trust Agreements in classrooms to foster a thriving learning environment
  • Building trust and belonging in the classroom through empathic listening
  • Exploring the implicit messages we send students through our everyday interactions
  • An understanding of the power of adult mindsets on our thinking and behavior
  • Strategies and practice in shifting mindsets to create positive habits of mind
  • Student empowerment strategies and the best conditions for learning
  • How to align a shared vision and values with classroom policies and procedures
  • How to be an SEL leader at your school


Our Individual Professional Development Workshops are aimed to target a specific philosophy and set of strategies to support teachers in the classroom. Workshops are presented in person or online and run from 90 minutes to half-day learning opportunities. While each learning session is meant to stand alone, many courses naturally feed into each other so teachers can deepen learning over time to transform their practice.

Find Your North Star

Often, the outcomes for our students are dictated by standards and policies that do not attend to students’ deeper needs – respect, responsibility, critical thinking, compassion. In Finding Your North Star we take the necessary time to explore the qualities we want to nurture in our students to co-create the Profile of the Desired Student. Once we have this North Star to guide us, we discuss how we can begin to align our daily teaching and classroom management to nurture those qualities. In this course, we also explore the explicit and implicit messages adults send to understand the role modeling beneath our words. Learn more about our Approach to transforming school culture and Find Your North Star .

Create Belonging

In the busyness of the school day, we might forget that relationships are the fabric of our school. When everyone feels like they belong, they are excited to contribute their gifts and talents to the community. Awakening Wisdom helps you place belonging as a key intention for all community members, enabling your school to view conversations and interactions with others in a new light. Learn more about our Approach to transforming school culture and Create Healthy Learning Environments .

Empathic Listening to Transform Relationships

Trust is key in building a safe learning environment, which supports every member of the community participating in meaningful ways. Introverts and extroverts alike grow to better understand each other’s needs in respectful and responsible ways. This requires more than active listening, but deep empathic listening. At Awakening Wisdom, we believe that truly understanding others begins with understanding our own stories so we can connect to how others might think and feel. In this way, negative and judgemental mindsets begin to shift toward more positive and compassionate ways of thinking, communicating and collaborating. In this course, we provide practice with immediate feedback and strategies for enduring growth. Learn more about our Approach to transforming school culture and Create Healthy Learning Environments .

Autonomy for Respect and Resilience

Students have very little power in schools in choices they make regarding their learning and having a voice. Creating an environment in the classroom or throughout a school where students are given autonomy – voice and choice – promotes their engagement , empowerment, and intrinsic motivation to learn. Learn more about our Approach to transforming school culture and Create Healthy Learning Environments .

The Power of Thinking and Shifting Mindsets

Training with Awakening Wisdom provides deep dives into how we process thoughts and emotions. When these pathways are better understood, teachers can begin to see how common student behaviors arise and how those behaviors can make adults feel and react. Exploring specific examples of classroom scenarios, Awakening Wisdom guides participants to realize the unintended consequences of negative thinking habits and ineffective classroom management systems. Once we have a strong foundation on how our thinking shapes our experiences, Awakening Wisdom provides opportunities to carefully dig deeper into common mindsets about teaching and learning and practice specific strategies to shift mindsets, leaving bad habits behind and nurturing new, positive ones. Learn more about our Approach to transforming school culture and Teach Who You Are .

Discipline with Dignity

Discipline systems send many implicit messages to students that can either be an opportunity for growth or be an experience of discouragement. Awakening Wisdom’s Agreement System is a way for students to learn the social emotional competencies – responsible decision making, emotional awareness, effective relationships, self-regulation- that are the foundation for success and lifelong learning. Learn more about our Approach to transforming school culture and Syncing Systems .

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